Friday, April 19, 2019

It’s all good.

So.  I doubt I’ll ever finish all the posts I had planned, and I was surprised to see that the trickle of readers turned into quite a bit, though I doubt any of you will see this.  Wherever you are in your life’s journey I hope you’re doing great and I hope you know you aren’t alone.

That said, this blog needed at least one more update.  It was her idea.

I use to wonder about the author of the blog I first read in this stuff, and my last post was a bit of a bummer.  So just a few quick things.  Things got rough for a bit when my ex wife left me deciding she needed a priesthood holder. So I could no longer be what she needed in her life.  No lie, it damn near killed me.  But it’s ok.  We’re still friends.  The kids are great.  And I’ve met and remarried to someone who loves me just the way I am. She’s amazing. No craziness or magic required.  They even get along.  Don’t hold on to anything/anyone that doesn’t love you as you are.  It will harm you.  Life hasn’t fallen apart like the church warns you it will.  It’s been amazing.  I have good friends, my family loves me for who I am (it can take a little work/time), and I wouldn’t go back for anything.  I’m definitely happier now.  There’s pains in leaving, deep depending on how deep the roots grew.  But there’s a wonderful authentic life where learning, truth, and the world as a whole are better viewed just as they are. Good luck to anyone who reads this or anything like it.  If you’re ready to seek truth regardless of what you think you know, and willing to be/admit you could be wrong, you’re on the right path.

Bye Felicia.
